Substance Use Multidisciplinary Medical Intervention Team Independent Medical Examinations
SummitIME’s team of highly trained Addiction Medicine physicians are experienced in conducting Independent Addiction Medicine Evaluations at the request of a third party.
We provide comprehensive and timely assessments for a wide variety of referral sources, including:
Law Firms
Insurance Companies
Forensic Medicine
& Related Entities
Regulatory Colleges
Accessible & Timely Service
Summit IME is a telemedicine-based health care service, connecting people all across Ontario to licensed healthcare professionals specialized in conducting independent addiction medicine evaluations.
Reliable & Credible Expertise
SummitIME's Addiction Medicine physicians are highly trained and have many years of clinical, occupational and medicolegal experience. They hold multiple certifications in both Addiction Medicine and toxicology.
Predictable & Cost-efficient
SummitIME's standardized fee schedule allows referrers to be aware of cost upfront. Eliminating the need for examinees to travel to an assessment site reduces bottom line costs significantly.
Learn more about how IME@Home saves your organization both time and money.
Updates to Summit-IME’s services are available on our coronavirus web page.
Reliable & Credible Expertise
Our addiction medicine experts are highly experienced physicians with many years of clinical, occupational and medical-legal experience.

Better Care Through Collaboration
The Summit IME program is proud to partner with Casel Medical Services Inc. Casel is one of Canada’s leading telemedicine administrators. Casel has over 100 locations throughout Ontario and administers over 5000 telemedicine visits per month.
We Can Help
Check out our Locations to find an independent medical examination site near you.
Visit Casel’s website or call 1-888-213-8920 to learn more about the medical services Casel provides.